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Cortisol Rhythms and the Examination of Sleep Troubles Study. The study is being conducted to evaluate whether individuals with insomnia (compared to individuals without insomnia) exhibit differences in cortisol during the 24-hour day. You may participate in this research study if you have insomnia (persistent trouble sleeping at night) OR if you are a good sleeper (no difficulty falling or staying asleep).

Enrollment for this study is currently ongoing.



This research study is being conducted to evaluate whether individuals with insomnia (compared to those without insomnia) exhibit abnormalities in cortisol and immune functioning in response to a standard laboratory task. Those individuals with insomnia or good sleep are eligible to participate in the study. 

Recruitment for this study is currently ongoing.

Sitting on Couch

CBT-I and Depression Study

This project evaluates the effect of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) on overall depression severity and assess whether the treatment effects of CBT-I on depression are related to changes in several different mechanisms (e.g., hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis functioning, inflammation and behavioral activation.

Recruitment for this study begins in Fall 2023.

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Mobile CBT for Insomnia Study

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a mobile intervention for insomnia. Participation in this study will help us better understand app-based therapies for insomnia and the potential for their use on college campuses.

Recruitment for this study has ended.

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The goal of the project is to assess the efficacy of an abbreviated form of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (i.e., a single-session version) that is delivered in an integrated behavioral health setting. Individuals with acute insomnia are eligible to participate.

Recruitment for this study has ended.


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